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Replay: Using AI In Your Business
with Jessica Eaves Mathews, Esq.

No Legal Advice Intended. This website includes general information about legal issues and developments in the law. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and must not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You need to contact a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction for advice on specific legal issues problems.


No Guarantee of Results. Some of the case summaries, reports of past results and individual lawyer biographies on this website describe past matters handled for clients of the Firm and the Firm’s lawyers. These descriptions are meant only to provide information to the public about the activities and experience of our lawyers. They are not intended as a guarantee that the same or similar results can be obtained in every matter undertaken by our lawyers. You must not assume that a similar result can be obtained in a legal matter of interest to you. The outcome of a particular matter can depend on a variety of factors—including the specific factual and legal circumstances, the ability of opposing counsel, and, often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any client or lawyer.


No Attorney-Client Relationship Created. By attending this webinar or accessing my website, no attorney-client relationship is created. Neither your receipt of information from this webinar or my website creates an attorney-client relationship between you and me or Leverage Legal Group. You will become a client of the Firm only if and when you sign and engagement agreement setting forth the scope of the Firm’s engagement, the fee arrangement and other relevant matters. As a matter of policy, the Firm does not accept a new client without first investigating for possible conflicts of interests and obtaining a signed engagement letter. (The Firm may, for example, already represent another party involved in your matter.)

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